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I Thought I Was Out..

I used to run a blog on WordPress called "Like An Infidel In Mecca" and I used to post stuff on it regularly when living with my ex-girlfriend but I got bored and stopped. Now I wanted to see if I could do it again but I am very busy with work. As some of you who know me personally will attest I can get very outspoken however lately it's just become so tiring and as I said before I am just so busy with my new work project. However, just today I was pointed to an article written by Christian apologist Robert Clifton Robinson on the Evidence For God. I doubt the two people reading this who maybe just maybe followed my old blog would expect me to engage however I am genuinely interested in ANY new argument for the existence of God and I've not engaged with an apologist in quite awhile. I stopped mainly because there's nothing new under the sun. Apologists so often recycle arguments and atheists have plenty of rebuttals but an invitation was extended to me by Mr. Robi
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